Sacha Barbato from Brandiston, Norfolk, owns a Bedlington-whippet cross named Bessie. Recently, Sacha found himself in a bit of a situation when his playful pup rolled across a freshly painted canvas, which was lying out to dry. Bessie, who, normally, has black and white fur, turned into bright blue, and she was left with that shade for nearly four days.
Bessie drew some funny looks from strangers as she walked around wearing her funky new color. Sacha, who works as a travel agent, posted some photos of the adorable dog on his social media account to ask for help regarding the unusual situation. On the caption, he asked for people’s advice on what they do when their dog rolls in acrylic paint, which will not come out even after two washes. Then, Sacha jokingly ended it with “asking for a friend.”
What do you do when your dog rolls in some acrylic paint and it will not come out after two washes?? … asking for a friend 😂 😆
— Sacha Barbato (@sachab71) July 31, 2020
Sacha’s post racked up about 10,000 likes and dozens of comments within hours. However, as you can imagine, the duo did not really get that much help because most of them were only there for a good laugh. One commenter suggested dipping Bessie on the paint again and use her as a roller. Then, another one told Sacha to pretend that he had created a new breed and sell the puppies.
Because of the hilarious disaster that Bessie had put herself into, thousands of people had another reason to smile at a time when it is sorely needed. Later on, Sacha’s neighbor told him that Bessie had rolled in on an oil-based paint. So, most likely, it will stick around for a few days.
Final update – After a day on the beach and rolling in sand / being outside Bessie’s blue look has faded .. like her 15 minutes of fame She is now more of a dull green .. not the cool blue she used to be 😎.. a shadow of her former self 😆
— Sacha Barbato (@sachab71) August 3, 2020
On a positive note, aside from her color transformation, Bessie is fine. Sacha confirmed that his dog is happy and well. He spoke to the vet, who said that he should not worry about it. Two days later, Bessie’s bright blue color even started to fade.
Sacha’s family took Bessie to the beach, and everyone gave her some funny looks. People probably felt sorry for the pup, thinking what her owners must have done to her. However, Sacha said that they could not leave their dog alone at home, so they just decide to style her out and roll with it.
Credit: Sacha Barbato