Abnormally Large Dogs Around The World!
Some, like it small.. Well for others, the bigger the better. Here are 10 abnormally large dogs in the world.
You got to see it to believe it. Because you're going to want to hug it. A Newfoundland this first large dog on our list is quite unique. Unlike other large breeds, the Newfoundland was never bred to be a guard dog.
In fact, they were specifically bred to help fishermen. These big muscular dogs are perfectly comfortable on land as well as in water. They possess incredible strength and are able to haul nets in line from boats, pull carts and, most importantly, fetch anything that falls overboard into the water, including people. The Newfoundland is an exceptional water dog and a very strong swimmer. Think of them as the canine version of David Hasselhoff in Baywatch or spongebob.
There have been many rescues of people out at sea. Credited to these gentle-natured dogs. Newfoundland dogs, stand between 27 to 30 inches tall and weigh as much as 150 pounds. They look even more massive because of their thick double coat, which keeps them warm even in icy water. People have found them to be perfect companions and are even great around children. The downside is large breeds like these eat, quite a lot and can eat you out of house and home.
Irish Wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound, the Irish Wolfhound, as its name implies, was bred to chase down wolves. They were developed from war hounds to a dog that was used for hunting and guarding one of the most ancient of dog breeds. The Irish Wolfhound may have been brought to Ireland as far back as 7000 BC, although they were originally bred to be expert hunters. Today, Irish Wolfhounds make excellent human companions. They're quiet reserved, intelligent and easygoing. Irish Wolfhounds aren't big and muscular like a Newfoundland, they're actually pretty slim compared to other breeds on this list. The reason they made it to number nine on our list is because of their sheer height.
This breed is the tallest of all dogs, even taller than the Great Dane males – tallest 34 to 35 inches from foot to shoulder blade and stand over seven feet tall on their hind legs. They can weigh upwards of a hundred and forty pounds and, while standing on all fours, the Irish Wolfhound size can be easily comparable to a donkey's.
The Leonberger, is what you get when you mix the NewFoundland and the Saint Bernard. Both quite large breeds already. In the mid 1840s Heinrich Leonberg of Germany crossed the Newfoundland with a new Saint Bernard for four generations, then just to make things a little bit more interesting added in a Mountain Dog to the mix, the result of these several generations of breeding is a breed that stands between 27 to 31 inches tall and can weigh as much as a hundred and seventy pounds.
Quite unlike all the other large dog breeds that are on this list, the Leonberger wasn't actually bred for one specific purpose: think of them as being the jack-of-all-trades, maybe you're, quite well, on everything from water rescue to tracking and hunting. If it's an activity that requires both strength and smarts, the Leonberger is probably going to be good at it. This breed’s primary purpose and life is to be a companion dog and, despite their massive size, they are quite the teddy bears. To put it simply, they are perfect family dogs, a family dog. It can easily occupy an entire living room, couch all by itself.
Caucasian Shepherd
The Caucasian Shepherd is quite the specialist and was bred to do one thing, and one thing only, and that is to protect sheep from wolves and any other predator that dares attack a shepherd's flock. However, even if these dogs are expert sheep bodyguards, they can and have been used to protect other livestock. The Caucasian Shepherd is extremely popular in Georgia, which has always been the place to go if you're looking for the purest of those breeds, also known as Caucasian or Chuck Caucasian sheepdog. Those strong bones are extremely muscular and when well trained, they are quite even-tempered.
Of course, this breed makes it to this list because of its enormous size, they are big enough to intimidate even a pack of wolves. For the most part, wolves will dare not attack the flock these dogs are guarding on. The downside, Caucasian Shepherds are very territorial and have been known to attack other strange dogs or even the same breed. Extreme caution should be exercised. If you choose this breed to be your family pet.
Zeus, the Great Dane
Great Danes are famously large dogs already, but like with us humans, there will always be someone who will always stand out from the rest. In this case, this Great Dane stood head and shoulders above those of the same breed named after the Greek god of lightning. Zeus was a marvel to behold on all fours. He stood 44 inches tall standing on his hind legs. He stood a towering seven feet four inches.
He was a 165 pound, gentle giant, a chief international fame. After he took the Guinness world record for being the tallest dog in the entire world. His owners, Kevin and Denise told Guinness, he devoured a 30 pound bag of food every two weeks, drank water straight from the kitchen faucet with all four paws on the ground, and required a van for transportation.
Zeus was also a local celebrity outside Kalamazoo Michigan, where he enjoyed serving as a therapy dog visiting area, schools and hospitals. But at home in small town in Michigan, he was like any other pooch curling up on Kevin and Denise's laps, while the family grilled food on their deck. Unfortunately, Zeus did die a few years ago at the age of five, but he will always be remembered not only for his size before his gentleness and kindness. And he has touched so many lives during his time as a therapy dog.
CH Samson, a Neapolitan Mastiff
Intelligence, steady and loyal, lacking an aggression or snappiness unless provoked Neapolitan Mastiff are majestic and noble dogs that carry more of an implied threat, which makes them well-suited to gardening protective duties. Neapolitan Mastiffs are one of the oldest breeds native to Italy. Despite their imposing size and looks these dogs are known to be incredibly gentle and calm.
That being said, due to their size and strength, they are not suited to first-time owners. Ch Samson was one of the largest and heaviest Mastiff and weighed a whopping 102 kilograms at just two and a half years old. His size, health and strength of this breed was uncommon, so no other Mastiff, like him, had been found since. Sampson was so big. It could easily fetch a car tire and carry it around. To be honest, though, there is not much more known about Sampson and, except that he won a lot of titles. However, this Neapolitan Mastiff will remain in this list until another, bigger dog comes along to take his place.
Zorba the English Mastiff
This English Mastiff was a legend when it comes to some of the world's biggest dogs. You may know that when it comes to the combination of weight and height, nothing can beat this breed of canine. Many Mastiffs average up to 86 kilograms. But it's not unusual for these giants to weigh around 102 kilograms at full maturity.
However, a dog comes along once in a while that amazes, even the most seasoned big dog enthusiasts. The English Mastiff was so massive that he easily earned the place in the Guinness Book of World Records in September of 1987 as the heaviest dog but Troy Zorba weighed a hefty 343 pounds with a height of 37 inches at the shoulder, and was 8 feet, 3 inches long. He earned the title as the heaviest and longest dog in the world. No one is sure what happened to Zorba, but one thing is sure that he will always be a legend among the world's biggest dogs.
Freddy, the Great Dane
Freddy, the Great Dane has officially been named the tallest dog in the entire world standing at exactly 7 feet, 6 inches. Stoneman was prepared to care for a dog rather big in size, but she was not prepared for this. As tall as 32 inches at the shoulder, Danes tower over most other dogs and when standing on their hind legs, they are taller than most other people. These powerful Giants is a picture of elegance and balance with smooth and easy strides. They come in different colors and patterns, perhaps the best-known being the black and white patchwork pattern known as the Harlequin.
Despite the sweet nature, Danes are alert home Guardians. Just the sight of these gentle giants is usually enough to make intruders think twice. However, those foolish enough to mistake, the breeds friendliness for softness will meet a powerful foe of true courage and spirit. Patient with kids, Danes are most people pleasers, who make friends easily. Freddy, however, surpasses all of them and was officially recognized by Guinness World Records.
Tibetan Mastiffs
These two enormous dogs flanking a fully grown woman looking more like bears rather than dogs, towering over the woman. We can't be sure how tall these two dogs are exactly, but it's quite obvious that they are more than 6 feet tall, but do such large dogs really exist? Well, the dogs in the photo do exist. In fact, they're called Tibetan Mastiffs, a breed that is known for its size, strength and bad temper. They are very large dogs, standing at an average of 26 inches at the shoulder and can weigh well over a hundred pounds, but no, no Mastiff has grown to the size, as shown in this photo.
So this is most likely a Photoshop job, but I'll be ready to admit that I'm wrong, as soon as someone shows more evidence that these two monster togs actually do exist.
Hulk, the Pitbull
The name hold fits this pitbull dog perfectly, because he is a giant 134 kilogram. Layin dog and stands in his hind legs at almost 5 feet tall. Well, he might seem big and scary. His owners say that he is very gentle, has even trusted him around their young son. His owner, trains dogs, professionally and even Hulk is a trained professional guard dog who will heed his owners every command and protect them with his life. A dog this size needs to eat, and eat a lot every day. For instance, he's been fed 1.8 kilograms of raw ground beef mixed with his special supplements. This, along with his regular dog food, and treats that he gets on the side.
Acknowledgement: content and video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6GVbHsbDaA Watch this video to see what these dogs look like. Enjoy!